Off road trails and roads near Walla Walla

After searching the net and realizing no one had any reccomendations on off road trails near Walla Walla, I said fine, I will create a page with this information. Please note, this is a work in prorgress.

I live in Walla Walla and have a dual sport motorcycle, ATV, and a 4x4 pickup and ride the area often.

Vehicle type Area Name Short Description Difficulty Seasonal? Special Notes Map
Dual sport motorcycle/4x4 Vehicle, ATV* Goverment Mountain Road Gravel road from the valley to the USFS Medium Doable during the winter, but be prepared. Officially its closed but often 4x4's are on the road County road that the local off roaders ride Unload Area here
Dual sport motorcycle/4x4 Vehicle Table Rock Fire Lookout Gravel roads from Walla Walla to Dayton Loop (Millcreek, table, rock, Kendal skyline, Godman (optional), and down to Dayton) Medium/Low Closed during the winter, its a snowmobile trail. Early summer its often snowed in. Long off road loop, 60 miles, great views, make sure you got a full fuel tank! Staring area here
Dual sport motorcycle/ATV Godman ATV trails From the Touchet Corrals (Just below ski bluewood) up to godman, and down the Tucannon canyon, all on ATV/Dirt bikes Medium/Low Closed during the winter due to snow, typically open in May/June Great off road loop for begginers on ATV's and dirt bikes. Unload area here
Ending/turn around area
Dual sport motorcycle/4x4 Vehicle Lincton Mountain Road Go from the Walla Walla River to the Tollgate Chalet Medium/Low Officially closed and part of the road turns into a snowmobile trail One of my favorite motorcycle rides from the valley Start area here
End/turn around here
ATV/Motorcycle/4x4 vehicle Kendal Skyline You start/unload at Bald mountain, then ride the Kendal Skyline road to the top of tiger canyon Low Closed all winter (Its a snowmobile trail) Its a single lane road that is open to ATV's during the summer. Nothing real difficult, good beginner ride, lights of view points along the way Unload/start area here
End/Turn around area/another unload area here
Dual sport motorcycle/4x4 Vehicle, ATV* Pikes Peak Nearest mountain peak from Walla Walla Medium Officially its closed during the winter and used to be gated. Rocky steep road up to my weather station and webcam up on the mountain Unload/start here
Top of Mountain here
YouTube timelapse video
Dual sport motorcycle/4x4 Vehicle, ATV* Mormon Grade Links up to Pikes Peak road, good 4x4 road. Medium Officially its closed during the winter and used to be gated during winter. An off road loop not too far from Walla Walla Unload here
Off road motorcycles Walla Walla River Trails Motorcycle and hiking trails just out of Walla Walla Very difficult Lower elevations will most likely be open during the winter, higher up will be snowed in. Motorcycles, Hikers, and Horses only on these trails. ATV's and 4x4's are strictly not allowed. Some areas Some areas are very steep Unload here
Other areas nearby to consider
Dual sport /Off road motorcycle, ATV, 4x4 vehicle, (Anything with a flag) Juniper Dunes Sand dunes outside of Pasco Low Open year round, it gets hot during the summer though Good place to play on the quads during the winter Unload area here
Dual sport /Off road motorcycle, ATV, 4x4 vehicle Morrow County OHV park OHV/ORV park just outside of Heppner Oregon Low to High Closed during the winter. During the mid summer it gets warm and dusty. The best ORV/OHV park I have ever visited. Cabins and camping are onsite. Huge park, cannot ride the entire place in one day. Highly reccomended. Main camp area here
Dual sport /Off road motorcycle, ATV Pomeroy National Forest area with OHV trails Low Closed during the winter due to snow A good area to ride ATV's, UTV's, and dirt bikes. You can make a loop, roughly 30 miles long. All trails are beginner level, mostly dirt, and dry camping areas are available. Referred to the locals as our secret area

Boundry camp /unload area #1 here

Rose Springs/Unload area #2 here

Clearwater lookout tower here

Dual sport / Off road motorcycle, ATV, 4x4 vehicle Mount Emily recreation area A multi use OHV/ORV area just outside of La Grande, Oregon Low to Medium Unknown during winter Smaller ORV park, I would say 20 miles or so of trails and roads. Its an old logging area the county has taken over. Unload area here
Motorcycles/ATV The Bike Pit A motocross track just out of Pendleton, Oregon Unknown Open I believe This is a free motocross track, I have never been to this location. Track area is here
Motorcycles/ATV Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex A motocross track just out of Richland WA (Tricities) Low to Medium Open all year long This is a motocross park just outside of Tri-cities. Its not free, you have to pay at the gate to gen in. I would say there is 10 acres or so to play on with an ATV or dirt bike. The place is really geared towards MX Track area is here
Motorcycles/ATV Moses Lake Dunes Sand dunes and beach next to the water     I have never been here, rumor is there is no big dunes but you can run the quad right down the beach next to the water I think the unload area is located here
Motorcycles/ATV Spokane ORV park An off road park just out of Spokane Low Open all year long This is an off road park open to all kinds of vehicles just out of spokane. You can ride the whole place in about one day Unload area here
Motorcycles/ATV Monastash lake          

Areas marked with * indicated I cannot guarantee ATV's are legal on the road. Yes, I do see ATV's in these areas and roads but I cannot guarantee they are legal.