Richards Radio's and HAM page

If you know me very well, you would know I am fascinated with wireless communications. So here is my page for the radios.

My ham call sign is

My GMRS call sign is

About 95% of the time I have a radio tuned to GMRS/FRS Channel 5, Sub-Channel 12
(462.6625 megaherts, 100 hz PL tone)

I also own and operate my own GMRS repeater that is need of some help. Its got some technical issues I need to address. Things like reciever overload, the need for a duplexer, better coax cables, tuning the antennas with an SWR meters. Ya know, just the basics!
Unfortunitly it all takes money and rescources, if anyone would like to help me out get the repeater operational, you are more then welcome to e-mail me.

Wiring for new repeater

TX= 462.625 - Repeater Out
RX= 467.625 - Repeater In
PL= 103.5

For Motorola T7200's
Channel 18, Sub Code 13

Its made out of two Motorola Mitrek Radios and a Pentium 200 megahertz desktop computer as a controller. The Mitrek radios used to be used to be mounted in cars for the City of Irvine. Originally they were crystaled to run on 506 megahertz, with a little tuning I got them to run in the GMRS band. It can be done, they will go out of band (a little ways at least) The repeater puts out about 15watts. The radios are located in my computer room, powered by a lead acid car battery that has a battery maintainer hooked up to it. The antennas are mounted to the deck, using some custom mounts my brother built for me. It all works fairly well, with a little tinkering of course.
Future plans are to swap out the PC controller with a real repeater controller that runs off of 12 volts and build some antenna tripods so the whole thing is portable. That way I can haul it up on top of a mountain and use it for emergencies. Thats the plan, but who knows. I am happy that is works for now!

My favorite radio is my Yaesu FT 530. Its the best rock solid dependable radio I have ever owned. I like it so much, I almost want another one. I also have a Yaesu FT 5100 mounted next to all of my computers.

I also just bought a couple of these Mortorola T7200's. I must admit, they are worth the extra money. It has built in weather channel monitoring, and its repeater capable. It puts out 2 watts with a PL tone, the audio is crystal clear. I have never heard a radio sound this clear. I just may have to get some more of these!

Feel free to e-mail me if you are interested in building yourself a repeater of of some mitreks, its was quite an educational (and expensive) endeaver.