Richards 1st repeater
Sometimes, in my spare time I get on my ham radio. I have a couple FCC licneses:
My ham call sign is
My GMRS call sign is
I also have been trying to get my GMRS repeater operational, but have ran
into some problems. If you are in the Walla Walla Area, you never know, it
might be operational and you might be able to "Ker-Chunk" it. Here
are the specs
TX= 462.625 - Repeater Out
RX= 467.625 - Repeater In
PL= 103.5
Picture of the repeater
(Mitrek Radios and Single-M Controller)
My Astron power supply for the repeater and other radios
Close up of the Single M controller
The repeater is made up of two Motorola Mitrek radios, they are mobile radios that I have modified and rigged up to an ICS Single-M controller. It was a bit of a learning curve learning how to took it all up and get it running, but I prevailed and figured it out. I kept my notes on how I hooked it up here.
The repeater is mounted to the wall inside my shack in my back yard. The coax runs go out the shack and top the top of my tower where I have two Magnet mount antennas.
I have had some problems on the RF end of things though. I even went out
and bought the Motorola service manual for the Mitrek to tune it correctly.
Both radio's are tuned up for the frequencies they run on, but still no love.
My current range from the tower is about ... 15-20 feet. Farther then that,
the repeater will work but the recpeption is so bad, its not usable.
I am using el-cheapo coax (RG6) and two antennas (no duplexer) so I think
my problem is either leaky coax or reciever overload, but I am not 100% sure.
My new repeater and page all about it
I purchased a Uniden XXX repeater that runs on
Repeater in 467.625
Repeater out 462.625
PL tone = 141.3
Motorola Talkabout channel 18-22